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Participants on one of our French courses have access to Babbel® Professional for the duration of their course. This is a completely optional module for those who need greater help with vocabulary.
Also included is our KS3 four-week MFL module which will lay a foundation through KS2, KS3 and the transition to GCSE. All French trainees will have access to this module, some as a core module, others as an optional module. This module also incorporates Virtual Lessons and examples of structured French lessons.
You will enjoy access to all of this for two further years following completion of your course (this does not apply to the free Babbel® subscription).
Eligibility and enrolling on a course
To apply for one of our French SKE courses, you will need to have been offered a place on a Teacher Training Programme in MFL (or qualifying programme) with successful completion of an SKE a condition of that offer.
It is important that you discuss with your provider which of our courses is most suited to your needs and have a clear idea of the duration of the SKE required. Trainees can simply visit the link and apply https://ske.vidlearn.ac.uk/partners/yhtt.html#french
Teachers / others wishing to enhance subject knowledge:
Please simply visit the link and select “Apply online now” under your chosen course. Please visit: https://ske.vidlearn.ac.uk/partners/yhtt.html#french